5 Ways To Drive Sales Productivity With QR Code Generator PRO

In sales, time is money—literally. One of the top challenges sales teams face is improving productivity to maximize performance. 

Having a knack for sales can take your team members a long way, but today’s sales environment needs something extra to help you stand out. Quick Response Code technology can offer a flexible, clever, and inventive solution that’s easy to implement and seamlessly blends with your existing strategies. Below, we’ll guide you through how to use QR Code Generator PRO to create Dynamic QR Codes that help boost sales productivity—and improve your business’ sales and marketing efforts.

1. Build brand awareness by maintaining a consistent identity

A strong brand is at the core of a company’s sales success. Consistent and recognizable company expressions (using the right channels) are key to achieving better customer recognition. In fact, 68% of professionals say brand consistency has contributed to between 10 and 20% of their company’s revenue growth!

A QR Code in an email helps recipients understand what topics will be discussed in an upcoming seminar
Email marketing campaigns combined with QR Code technology

QR Code Generator PRO makes it easy to create eye-catching, customized QR Codes for any business use. You can easily add custom branding elements to your codes, like your brand colors, logo, frames, corners, and an editable call to action (CTA) that converts. This level of control helps you maintain a consistent identity across all of your marketing campaigns, whether they’re print or digital.

2. Enhance your digital networking

You never know when you might meet someone interested in your product or service. That’s why some of the most successful salespeople are reachable at a moment’s notice! 

Naturally, keeping a business card handy for networking probably comes to mind. It’s likely that your team already carries and distributes them. But there are a few issues with physical business cards these days:

  • They take up a lot of space (for both the salesperson and the recipient—especially at networking events).

  • They can be easily lost or misplaced.

  • They can be expensive over time.

  • They’re not the most environmentally friendly solution (a major consideration for many modern consumers).

The solution? Create a digital business card by generating a vCard QR Code with QR Code Generator PRO. 

vCard QR Codes store information like your full name, contact info, job title, work or home address, and website URL. With QR Code Generator PRO’s upgraded vCard Plus QR Code solution, you can also include additional fields like social media links and Google Maps directions. 

A QR Code on an event ID makes it easy for event attendees to connect and network
A vCard Plus QR Code on an event ID badge creates a digital business card that’s perfect for networking

Once you create your QR Code, one great (and environmentally friendly) way to use it during networking events is to add it to a badge. The badge can be as simple as a laminated business card you add your vCard QR Code to—giving people basic information about you like your name, title, and phone number, but encouraging you to scan the code to connect with you quickly and easily. No paper cards required!

You might also consider adding the code to a table tent if you’re at an event with booth space. This allows you to focus on conversing with potential customers while giving them an opportunity to grab your information for a follow-up. It’s less disruptive than handing out business cards, keeping you productive and focused on building a relationship (and possibly a sale). It also minimizes the amount of waste and physical collateral you or your team has to spend time ordering, packing, and keeping track of.

3. Measure the success of your sales and marketing campaigns

Besides contributing to a more productive networking strategy, Dynamic QR Codes on business cards or other print marketing materials give you powerful insights into how prospects interact with your codes. This is key for guiding your sales and marketing strategies to be more effective and productive.

With QR Code Generator PRO, you can track several metrics in real time: 

  • Scans over time (customizable)

  • Scans by operating system

  • Location (country & city)

  • Total and unique scans

Scan data can help you see which of your QR Codes get the most engagement, which can help you plan more successful initiatives in the future. 

A QR Code in a brochure directs scanners to a registration page
A QR Code automatically connects print sales brochures with digital content and tracks the results

Let’s say that you include two QR Codes on a marketing pamphlet about a new product: One is a Registration QR Code directing to an upcoming webinar about your newest product. The other directs to the product page via URL. 

When you track QR Codes scans for both in QR Code Generator PRO, you see that the registration code is scanned three times more than the code linking to the product page. You might infer that your prospects are interested in opportunities to interact directly with your team and decide to hold product-based webinars more often. 

Upon making the change, you steadily notice more qualified leads trickling in who attended your sessions. This is a huge productivity win for your sales team: With no additional effort or time spent beyond creating the webinar content, you already know they’re interested in your product, you have information about which products they’re interested in specifically (based on which webinars they attended), and they’re already heading for the bottom of the sales funnel. All your team needs to do is carry the sale across the finish line!

4. Demonstrate how great your products are in action

Building on the advantages of creating interactive content, if you’re wondering how to increase new product sales, video is the way to go. With video, you can provide prospects with a professional demonstration of how the product works and its use cases for your target audience.

If you have a company booth at an event or trade show, you can add a Video QR Code to a physical banner promoting your product. Anyone interested in learning more can scan it and view your product video automatically. 

A Video QR Code enables easy access to a product video at a trade show
A Video QR Code enables easy access to a product video at a trade show

With QR Code Generator PRO, you can easily create a code with custom elements like an engaging CTA (something like “Watch video” or “See a product demo” is short, clear, and inspires action), frames, corners, and colors to grab prospects attention and encourage them to scan.

Using Video QR Codes to link to your product demos is a great way to maximize your team’s time—especially during busy networking events. While your team members can speak to prospects in person, it’s unrealistic for them to stop and give individual demos to each person who visits their booth. Instead, your sales team can converse, build rapport, and provide high-level information about the product and its use cases for the prospect—then direct them to the demo for a deep dive into the product’s functionality.

5. Tempt shoppers with irresistible deals

Did you know that 35% of shoppers use their phones to download digital coupons when shopping in-store? You may even be one of these shoppers! This statistic is a reminder not to underestimate a solid coupon marketing campaign—it could be just what your sales team needs to attract more leads while also rewarding loyal customers.

If your company is early-stage and wants to boost starter sales, you can use QR Code Generator PRO’s Coupon QR Codes on a small display sign. This is ideal for trade show booths, product-related sales meetings, or even directly in-store (if you have a brick-and-mortar location) as part of your product displays or at the checkout counter.

A QR Code on a table display allows scanners to redeem a 25% off coupon.
A Coupon QR Code on a display sign makes instantly redeemable coupons at physical locations

One of the greatest benefits of using QR Code coupons is that they streamline the print-to-digital process, which is particularly useful for stores that heavily rely on print marketing and have physical store locations. Customers no longer have to collect coupon slips in their pockets, purses, or wallets. Instead, you can rely on the code to direct customers to redeem discounts directly on their mobile devices.

This streamlined setup reduces friction for customers, making it easier for them to access special offers, which may increase their chances of converting—with no additional effort on your sales team’s part. 

See how QR Code Generator PRO can help you skyrocket sales

Whether you’re a small business looking to attract more local customers or an international retail store, there are numerous ways you can use QR Codes to enhance your marketing efforts and drive sales. From sharing product information and video demos to serving as a convenient networking tool, the sky’s the limit when it comes to QR Codes’ versatility for sales teams. 

With QR Code Generator PRO, creating QR Codes to boost customer engagement and encourage conversions is easy. These user-friendly codes are powerful marketing tools that connect your prospects with helpful resources about your products and services, but their value doesn’t stop there. Our Dynamic QR Codes are customizable and trackable, giving sales teams of all sizes the ability to generate custom QR Codes and gather customer behavior insights that drive more effective sales efforts in the future. 

Want to see how QR Code Generator PRO can help your business skyrocket sales? Sign up today!

Trupti Desai

Trupti Desai is Bitly’s Senior Director of Growth Marketing. She has over 10 years of experience working in B2B and B2C marketing roles spanning the UK and the US. A key part of the marketing strategy at Bitly, Trupti elevates global teams with her expertise and insights and was notably a speaker at the Digital Marketing World Forum. You can connect with Trupti on LinkedIn.

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