4 Innovative Ways People Are Using QR Codes in China

Quick Response (QR) Codes have become indispensable in China. Brands, businesses, and consumers have embraced these 2D barcodes to make mobile payments, access information, and participate in marketing campaigns.

Data from the Fintech Times on QR Code usage by country shows China as the global leader, with an estimated 95% of its population using them. Why such a widespread adoption of QR Codes in China, you ask? The answer lies in the country’s innovative and tech-savvy culture and forward-thinking approach to business.

From revolutionizing payments to protecting at-risk groups with personal identification technology, here are four innovative ways people use QR Codes in China.

*Note: All examples discussed below were found during our online research for this article.

1. Leading a payment revolution with scannable payment options

When WeChat, China’s leading messaging app, introduced its QR Code-based payment feature in 2013, it was a game-changer. Today, people in China no longer use cash to pay for goods and services. 

WeChat includes a function called WeChat Pay. Users need to connect their mobile wallet with a bank account and can start spending immediately. If you want to pay for groceries, rent a bike, or settle your utility bills, WeChat generates a QR Code through your digital wallet, which the merchant scans to receive payment.

It’s so fast and convenient that even street beggars have QR Codes to receive electronic payments.

But it doesn’t stop there. Churches, too, have embraced this technology for donation collections. What better way to appeal to the masses than making a QR Code specifically for church tithes (donations), allowing those without cash to donate as well?

Why are QR Code payments taking over China?

China is the world’s second-largest economy and has a highly tech-friendly culture. As a result, QR Codes have become part of daily life for most people in China. QR Code payments got their big break in the Western world in 2014 when Snapchat’s CEO, Evan Spiegel, visited China and decided to add QR Code technology to Snapchat.  

He returned to the U.S. and acquired a company known as “Scan,” specifically for this purpose. One year later, the American social media platform launched “Snapcode,” which made it easy for users to add friends on Snapchat using this code. This process gave QR Codes a spot on the global stage. Consequently, larger online retailers focused on China, like Alibaba, added QR Codes to their payment systems.

China had long realized the convenience of using QR Codes to pay for nearly anything. Fast forward to today, and WeChat is unquestionably the top app in China—93% of the population uses it. QR Code payments made up 85% of all mobile payments in China in 2022, and they show no signs of slowing down, potentially cresting $26 billion globally by 2028.

An introduction to QR Code payments

Using QR Codes for payments in China is remarkably simple. Once you have a digital wallet connected to your preferred payment method, you only need the merchant’s QR Code scanner to complete a transaction.

QR Code Generator offers various QR Codes for payments, including Bitcoin and EPC, for secure and efficient transactions. You can also use a Dynamic URL Code to link to other payment portals or a Static QR Code for one-time purchases. 

Still, it’s always important to be cautious and check for authenticity before scanning QR Codes, especially when making payments. Only scan codes from trusted sources, and always double-check the destination before completing a transaction.

2. Protecting at-risk groups with personal identification technology

Knowing that your loved ones are safe and sound is vital for their health and your peace of mind. Hospitals and elderly care centers in China have begun to use QR Codes as identity badges for patients. Particularly for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, or age-related memory loss, having this information could save lives.

With a QR Code ID badge, doctors and nurses can access:

  • Personal details such as name, age, and home address.

  • Medical history and current medications.

  • Emergency contact information.

It’s not only the sick and elderly who can benefit from this technology. In many personal use situations, you can use a vCard Plus QR Code as an ID badge. If you’re traveling, you can include important and up-to-date medical information. Or, if you’re sending your child off to school, you can attach a QR Code to their backpack so you’re notified if they get lost.

What led to the popularity of QR Code identification?

QR Code identification took off due to the rising number of lost seniors in China. Before implementing QR Codes, the Lei Feng police station in Fushun, Liaoning province, dealt with over 200 cases of lost elderly people each year. With QR Codes, all it now takes is a quick mobile phone scan to access vital information and reunite them with their families.

Additionally, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, China was at the forefront of implementing health QR Codes to prevent the spread of the virus. People put their health status, travel history, and other details into Alipay and got a health QR Code. 

The codes could change colors from green, yellow, or red to indicate whether one:

  1. Is free to travel.

  2. Must quarantine for 1 to 2 weeks.

  3. Must quarantine for at least 14 days.

An introduction to QR Codes for identification

QR Code idea on a pet ID tag
Use QR Codes to identify pets more easily.

As China continues to innovate with QR Code technology to protect vulnerable populations, others are following suit, with one of the most popular applications being the growing use of QR Codes for pet identification.

If you’re a pet parent, you know the fear and anxiety of losing your furry friend. QR Codes offer a simple and effective solution for pet identification. 

A vCard QR Code, whether Static or Dynamic, is the best option for this use case. You can engrave a QR Code on your pet’s tag with a call to action for anyone who finds them to scan it. 

Alternatively, you can also use a Plain Text QR Code (static) and type all the necessary information about your pet, such as:

  • Name, breed, and age

  • Contact information like phone number

  • Important medical, dietary, or allergy information

With this information, anyone who finds your pet can easily contact you and ensure their safe return home.

Even doctors and healthcare providers can benefit from QR Codes. QR Codes for healthcare and doctors help patients access your contact information, make appointments, and learn about your specialties and services.

3. Investing in a more sustainable future with digital sorting

In an effort to reduce waste and promote recycling, Shanghai implemented QR Codes on trash bags to enhance its garbage sorting in 2019.

Under the new system, households and companies are obligated to classify their waste into four categories:

  1. Wet

  2. Dry

  3. Recyclable

  4. Hazardous

Thanks to QR Codes, the process has become more efficient and accurate. The local government can track where different types of waste are generated and optimize the recycling and disposal processes.

Why was garbage management a priority for Shanghai?

China’s municipal solid waste (MSW) hit a record 22.8 million tonnes in 2018 and is projected to increase to 409 million tons by 2030, owing to the country’s rapid urbanization and economic growth.

With the introduction of QR Codes to help with garbage sorting, China has taken a more sustainable and technologically advanced approach to tackle this issue. Companies like Alipay have developed apps to help users accurately sort their waste and earn incentives for proper disposal. 

In 2021, for instance, Shanghai diverted 6.46 million metric tons of waste to recycling and organics processing, compared to only 1.68 million metric tons in 2017.

An introduction to QR Codes for sustainability

Using QR Codes for sustainability and waste management is simple. Trash bags are labeled with QR Codes, each corresponding to a specific type of waste. Upon scanning, users can learn about the proper disposal method and collection schedule. 

QR Codes and barcodes are two common types of codes used for this purpose. While barcodes can only store limited information, QR Codes can hold more data, making them the preferable option for garbage sorting.

Dynamic QR Codes are the best option for garbage sorting. You can edit and update them with relevant information, such as:

  • Collection schedules.

  • Recycling guidelines.

  • Rewards for proper waste disposal.

  • Penalties for non-compliance.

With tracking and analytics, you can glean information about how people are interacting with these codes—and their garbage and recycling habits. Analytics tools allow you to see helpful data like how many people engage with the codes and where they’re located. 

Say there are a high number of scans from the “hazardous” category coming from a particular region, the local government can arrange to increase the number of safe pickups in that area, leading to more efficient waste management processes.

4. Putting a small village on the map with a larger-than-life QR Code

China has gone crazy with inventive QR Code designs in large sizes. The Yun Nan Wildlife Zoo in Kunming created a gigantic 20-foot QR Code in its panda sanctuary using more than 20,000 flowers. The QR Code served two purposes: To create the perfect Instagrammable moment and to give access to more information about the panda, Sia Ji. 

But China’s not stopping there. Xilinshui, a small village in Hebei province, has put itself on the map, quite literally, with a 744-foot QR Code that is visible from space. The small town created the code using over 130,000 Chinese juniper trees, 2.6 to 8.2 feet high, and it serves as a tourist attraction.

Why did a town build a giant QR Code forest?

The motivation behind this project was to attract tourists and boost the local economy. When scanned, the QR Code directs visitors to the village’s tourism account on WeChat allowing them to access the village’s history, culture, and local attractions. 

An introduction to imaginative QR Code use

The possibilities of using QR Codes are endless. Their versatility, ease of use, and ability to store large amounts of information make them a valuable tool for various purposes. 

Besides traditional uses like ticketing and payments, businesses can use QR Codes for promotions like giveaway contests, surveys to gather feedback, and loyalty programs. Educational institutions can incorporate QR Codes into textbooks, making learning more interactive and increasing student engagement

When implementing QR Codes, think creatively and ask yourself how they could enhance your customer or user experience, save time and resources, and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Use China’s QR Code implementation for creative marketing inspiration

China’s widespread and innovative use of QR Codes to revolutionize payments, protect at-risk individuals, and enable sustainable waste management has proven their versatility and effectiveness. Marketers worldwide are taking note and incorporating this technology into their marketing strategies to drive engagement, boost conversion rates, and gather data on consumer behavior.

But to reap these benefits, you need a reliable and user-friendly QR Code generator that enables you to create on-brand codes, track scans, and edit information in real time. With QR Code Generator PRO, you have everything you need to implement QR Codes successfully and tap into their potential.

Ready to join the global movement toward a more sustainable, connected, and efficient future? Try QR Code Generator PRO now.

Armanii Glaspie

Armanii is a Product Marketing Manager at Bitly. He received his MBA from the Cox School of Business at SMU, where he concentrated on marketing and strategy. With over four years of marketing experience spanning the SaaS and CPG space, he is passionate about helping companies connect with their customers on a deeper level through the use of tools like Bitly and QR Code Generator. You can find out more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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