Brands that are rocking QR Codes with us

Discover how companies like you are finding success with QR Code Generator PRO

QR Code Generator PRO in numbers


QR Codes generated





Whenever we purchase items or service, we expect 2 things. It needs to work flawlessly and we want good support. QRCG provides both! We are currently using the QR Code for our business cards, but we have been scrolling through all the options QRCG is offering and we certainly might expand our own application of the service.


Are QR Codes worth adopting?


Will scan a QR Code to contribute ideas for new products/designs

5.3 billion


Coupons will be redeemed via QR Codes by 2022

1.65 trillion


Dollars worth of transactions via QR Codes in China alone
QR Code adoption rate is increasing as many mobile users prefer QR Codes

According to GlobalWebIndex, people are 40% more likely to use QR Codes if they can contribute to new products and designs. They also would use QR Codes to connect with other fans of the brand, whether on Facebook or any other social sites.

Furthermore, 11 million households in the US alone will have scanned QR Codes in 2020 to obtain further information about household products, and about 5.3 billion coupons would be redeemed via QR Codes in 2022. In China, 1.65 trillion dollars worth of QR Code transactions were recorded, ranging from small payments such as for street snacks to expensive purchases such as luxury goods.

QR Code technology is the easiest to implement and with QR Code readers and scanners now native in smartphones from Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, and Google, the adoption rate will only continue to go up from this point on.

QR Code Generator PRO lets you fully customize your QR Codes for great marketing campaigns

Ready to explore your business' full potential?

QR Code Generator PRO is equipped with full customization that mirrors your brand identity, scan tracking statistics to measure your ROI, plus a ton of other beneficial features you and your team members need to launch great QR Code marketing campaigns.

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Variety of QR Code solutions with full customization, tracking and more